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Manufacturer of Industrial Ultrasonic Testing Equipment & Accessories


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manual Ultrasonic Scanner – R-Scan Corrosion Inspection Scanner

The Portable R-Scan Corrosion inspection Scanner (Raqeb model) is a manual ultrasonic scanner that uses the R-Scan method for corrosion inspection.1

The  portable corrosion scanner (Raqeb) is a kind of manual semi-automated scanner used for corrosion inspection, control, and ultrasonic testing. It is specifically designed for use with the R-Scan method of corrosion inspection in the oil and gas industries. With a diameter of 50 mm (2 inches) and a thickness of 2 to 100 mm, this unique portable corrosion monitoring test instrument is made to analyze all forms of corrosion on ferrous and non-ferrous pipes and tanks. The Raqeb scanner can measure the thickness of the corrosion and also inspect it.2

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The importance of corrosion control, inspection, and monitoring in the petrochemical and oil & gas industries

Pipes and tanks are essential parts of equipment used in the petrochemical, oil, and gas industries. The materials that are kept inside these devices cause damage over time. This damage manifests as the removal of metal from the equipment’s inner wall as a result of fluid interaction and a decrease in the inner wall’s thickness. Defects and breakdown of the inner wall are caused by these damages. Leakage, failure, or explosion occurs when wall defects and corrosion in these equipments are not identified in an appropriate amount of time. Consequently, it has disastrous and frequently irreversible effects on the environment and economy.3

manual ultrasonic scanner

Inspection of corrosion using non-destructive testing (NDT) technique

The ability to measure thickness and detect corrosion using testing and inspection equipment without causing destruction has improved thanks to recent advancements in non-destructive testing (NDT) inspection technology. Non-destructive corrosion inspection and control not only decreases the inspection cycle time of such tanks but also improves troubleshooting accuracy.4

When it includes determining the types of corrosion occurring in such tanks and assessing their thickness, ultrasonic corrosion testing is without a doubt one of the most effective non-destructive testing techniques. By using this technique, we won’t need to reach the interior of the equipment in order to measure thickness and inspect for corrosion—we only need to access its outside.5

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manual Ultrasonic Scanner – R-Scan Corrosion Inspection Scanner

By accessing the storage equipment’s outer wall and transferring fluid through a portable mouse, this scanner transfers fluid through ultrasonic waves that are sent into the inner wall. Subsequently, it collects the return waves, measures the inner wall thickness and the rate of corrosion, and provides the number and thickness profile as A_Scan and B_Scan charts. 6

The user is aware of the device’s unique scanner’s quick movement on the surface of pipes and tanks, which is made possible by its magnetic wheels and encoder. The scanner can continually measure wall thickness in the form of digital numbers and color images. As a result, this technology is different from traditional ultrasonic thickness gauges in that it can show an image in addition to the thickness as a point. 7

This device doesn’t require a coupling because of the wheel and probe technology, which keeps the wheel surface moist automatically and continuously while scanning. As a result, the user can test any surface, including bends, elbows, and pipe surfaces.8

Specifications of Manual ultrasonic scanner, model of Raqeb

Easy access to all of the device’s settings and characteristics, as well as its unique software, is possible with the portable corrosion Raqeb scanner. Other capabilities of this device include the capacity to calculate and show the exact position of internal flaws, display color images of the top and side views of B and C scans, and provide a three-dimensional representation of the wall that is being tested. This device can implement various ideal and modern features of ultrasonic inspection devices because it uses modern and up-to-date electrical components, like high-speed FPGA microprocessors. 9

All of the data obtained from the test results, together with the accompanying photos, can be stored by Raqeb for offline uploading. For additional review and analysis, the results can also be input into Excel software. 10
Operator errors are reduced when live and simultaneous point-to-point scanning data are accessed and the dynamic gate is used to adjust for variations in the distance between the scanning surface and the probe surface. Consequently, it improves the standard for test result assurance. This software’s B and C-Scan diagrams show various thicknesses in different colors. Put differently, every thickness level has a unique color scheme. 11

Color changes in the image make it easy to identify when the walls of pipes and tanks are thinning as a result of corrosion or erosion. Raqeb does not need to remove the coating in order to inspect corrosion and measure thickness on surfaces that have an appropriate coating. Other remarkable  features of this portable corrosion scanner include the high test speed generated by the magnetic wheels and lack of couplings and water.12

Characteristics of a manual R-Scan corrosion inspection scanner

Measurement of pipe thickness and corrosion examination of non-ferrous and ferrous tanks using the R-Scan method

The most accessible, environmentally conscious, and safest investigation tool accessible for detecting corrosion

Internal wall surface is not necessary

It is capable of inspecting the operational equipment

delivering a 3D image and a comprehensive, color representation of the corrosion inside tanks and pipes in a C&B scan chart

It can test big tanks, flat surfaces ranging in thickness from 2 to 100 mm, and pipes up to 50 mm (2 inches) in diameter

Superior precision to determine corrosion levels (ranging from tenths to hundredths of millimeters)

No requirement for consumable components like corrosion coupons

Unique and customized software that can capture and save the photos derived from the outcomes indefinitely

the capacity to use a unique 4-meter polyamide lever to test items at heights of up to 6 meters without the need for scaffolding
Due to sampling speed, very high corrosion and loss of thickness (POD) detection

Lightweight and portable, with a simple design

Able to operate continuously for up to six hours on a single charge

It can record data indefinitely and be used for reporting and monitoring both offline and online

Programs that work with Windows 7, 8, and 10

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